So after my prior rant about getting you folks to commit to becoming "followers" of this blog, I have added 1 more whopping person- whooooooo hooooooo. Thank you Sherry! But I still am hoping and praying for increase. The Bible talks about the parable of the talents and I want to be the servant that increases by 10 fold. That means I still need at least 6 more people to come in here to make that happen. My rant was one paragraph long and I got 1 person, so maybe if I go off on 6 paragraphs worth I will get there... nah your safe I'm not going to do that.
OK back to the business at hand. I bet you are wondering about the title of this article. Well that is part of the fun of being the blog moderator. Don't worry I will divulge that info but a little more ground work to cover 1st.
Lets talk about types of food and different diet schemes to attack the problem of obesity. All food is either a fat, a protein or a carbohydrate. Wow shocking news. Different diet plans focus on curbing different food types to accomplish their goals. For example Atkins says you can eat the fat stuff that people say is bad for you. The concept is that this is very calorie dense food and it will fill you up with only small portions. This is true and people will loose weight as long as the portions remain small. This is an over generalization of the atkins plan but I'm just trying to make a point.
The zone diet focuses on increasing your protein levels and has some merit but my personal experience with this diet was burnout. Now the low fat diet that was the craze of the early 90's hmmm I wonder which food type that one was targeted at? Hmmmm i guess I may never know? Actually the low fat diet was the 1st diet that I ever went on and I think I lost about 20 lbs. briefly but I just ended up boosting my carbohydrate intake and I quickly gained back the weight that I had lost and then some. This diet was very damaging as it caused my body to really start to do the yoyo thing. My point in listing these diet plans is not to be disrespectful of other peoples plan but rather to chronicle my journey and to also reveal deficiencies that your diet plan is going to overcome to really get you trim for life.
We all need carbohydrates, but the American diet is blessed (not) with an oooooverabundaaaaance of Carbs. The massive amount of carbs is making America fat!!! Every time you over eat carbs you are placing a deposit in the Wells Fargo Carbohydrate Bank Account. Every day you put a little more carb money in there and the account builds and builds and so do the fatty deposits in your midsection hips or other problem areas. We are going to change all of that. You are going to start making bank withdrawls instead and your carb account is going to get smaller. As a result you will loose weight, feel stronger and you will prosper in health even as your soul prospers. The Wells Fargo wagon is going to be leaving town with your carb overload in the coach!!!
This diet plan (I actually don't even like to use the word diet) This life choice plan is targeted at reducing your carb load, focusing on nutrient rich foods, bumping up your protein level a little bit depending on your individual circumstance, and being careful with the fatty foods. We will combine this with exercise to obtain the desired results. This is the news that world needs to hear. Unfortunately when people say wow Bob you look great. How in the world did you loose all that weight? and I tell them this answer, they reply oh... that's nice... so what about the economy? boy it sure is a mess isn't it? People want to hear that there is a miracle pill that will allow them to just eat what they want, live a sedentary life, take a pill and be trim. Well the truth is... that just ain't happenin.
Now when people want to know how I lost 50 lbs, I just tell them to come here into the blog, hopefully by mapping all of this out it will start to make sense and sink into people. Again no disrespect intended.
Next posting we will start to do the math. Please sign up to be a follower.
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