Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloggin Bloggin Bloggin... Keep Them Doggies Bloggin

Bloggin Bloggin Bloggin... keep them doggies bloggin... head em up, move em out, ride em in... Rawhide.

Another glorious day living the dream at the Fire Station... I'm hoping for a window of time to get this in... and now the alarm has sounded just as I have typed this...

Now I'm back, to try it again...

Have you noticed, I changed the blog layout. I wanted to make it green to help reinforce the fact that we all need to get our green on and keep it on. We are going to celebrate Saint Patrick's day everyday. (because the Irish,, they just love their mothers) Actually by eating a wonderful nutritious and delicious garden salad daily we are going to want to celebrate St Patty's day 90% of the time for the rest of the days that God allows us to suck Oxygen on this planet. This is called quality control or quality assurance which is very familiar to the corporate world, or medical profession. You set a benchmark of required parameters... (another call.. gotta run)

OK I'm back again. This is becoming difficult to keep up with work and blog too and I am behind in my paper work so I will just finish this thought and close out tonite. I will try to bring a double portion tomorrow. So back to benchmarks, you know them right? We will do something X% of the time.
I have made a lifelong Q.A. policy of eating 1 salad per day 90% of the time, and I will eat 2 salads a day 50% of the time. This is also the kind of mindset that I want you to develop... We are not going to be guilt ridden if we mess up a day here or there (Holidays Happen, chocolate fixation happens) we are just going to get back on that pony and ride and round up them doggies.

One other item to note... I have made the decision to go ahead and limit access to the blog to followers only. Its not fair to use valuable time and energy to recruit the resistant. This will take effect on Monday. I will give the weekend for stragglers that don't follow the blog daily to have one more chance, then I will be done with it and we can move on to more important things.

Life is a puzzle... but you can figure it out

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