So I was talking with my wife over the weekend and she asked me... So Bob why is it that you are going to restrict the blog to members only? I flatly replied that I want to be able to interact with the peeps, and have a sense of commitment for those involved. The essence of her reply back to me was basically... so you want to become a dinosaur huh? Why would you want to restrict access to someone that could benefit from the site and even possibly even find a relationship with Jesus in the process? So that got me thinking again, if I restrict the site, I could well go the way of the Palm Pilot or the Commodore 64 (remember that?) So I will go ahead and leave the site open after all. According to the stats I'm getting on my account, over 200 different people have at least come in here once. I do wish that all would be followers. There is a tea tasting blog on blogspot that has over 300 followers there. I guess maybe I've got a case of a little blog follow envy.
OK on to business.
Other Health Benefits of Going Green:
So Bob... you sure do rave and rant about salads dude... It's just a salad for crying in the night. Get a life already! Well I hope that kind of thinking either is already gone from your mind or that it soon will be. The health benefits of getting yourselves firmly in the green zone are tremendous. We all want to loose those evil fat deposits, but we don't tend to think about all the other bennies we are receiving.
I bet you haven't considered this, but I will declare that a significant % of you reading this post are either pre-diabetic like I am, or you actually have Type II Diabetes and don't even know it yet. This is a rampant disease for western nations in our generation- as obesity and type II go hand in hand. I'm convinced that going green is the very best way to combat the big D.
Diabetes also links directly to Coronary Artery Disease and greatly increases the chances of having a heart attack, or other cardiac related issues. Going green can literally save your life in these respects.
Another big area of health concern is relating to various forms of Cancer. Unfortunately I am not a dietitian and don't have the expertise to wax eloquently about the antioxidant powers of celery or how fortified radishes are in phyto nutrients. But I am convinced that getting a whole bunch of different veggies regularly into your system really can help in Cancer prevention. This is a big deal for me personally and the also for all my firefighter buddies. Life expectancy for our profession is much lower than the normal person and cancer and cardiovascular disease are prime candidates for our demise.
This week I would like for you to continue to do week 1 stuff (including going to the church of your choice) In addition I have 3 new things for you this week.
1. I want you to have a dinner salad every other day in addition to your daily lunch salad. So we are ramping up your green to the next level. Pretty soon you are going to have a serious appetite reduction, then we will get into the militant stage about carb watching.
2. I want to increase the amount of fiber you consume. We will accomplish this at breakfast.(Don't ever skip breakfast!!) I want you to keep your egg regimen in place and add a high fiber breakfast every other day this week. You can accomplish this by eating oatmeal (old fashion 5 min cook please) or raisin bran, bran muffin, or non sweetened whole grain General Mills cereals.
3. I want you to start to implement eating 6 times per day instead of 3. That means a little smaller on the meals, and having a morning, aft, and evening snack after dinner... Fresh fruits make an excellent snack offering during the day and popcorn (sans butter) is a fun and good choice around 9:00 p.m.
Also don't forget to drink lots-o-water. I want you to drink it until you are almost uncomfortable drinking any more. This includes those of you who think you are retaining water. If you are retaining water, we want to reduce your sodium intake, not your h2o.
That's about it for today, I hope you are all on track and doing OK. Your future is very bright!!
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me

- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
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