This is going to be a pretty short post tonite. I am off to OSU to watch a creation vs. evolution debate. I am very interested in Intelligent Design so I am looking forward to this event.
Lets talk about Bread. Bread is another one of those foods that gets Bob pretty excited. You can cut carbs without a big sacrifice on your part. If you look at the carb level on breads. they clock in at about 17 to 24 grams per slice. The difference of 7 grams per slice or 1/2 of a carb is big. Over time,Wow that is a big difference. These carbo cheapie breads include various rye breads (I really like Dill Rye) and whole grain wheat breads, 9 grain 12grain... Next time you are at the store look at the dietary labels and do some homework. Small carbo savings over 6 months time can make a very big difference. So put your brain in gear and buy "smart" bread instead of white glue bread. Force your palate to make a small adjustment to make a thrilling adjustment to your waistline.
While I'm on the subject of bread. There is even a better way to drastically reduce your carb intake and that is by reducing the number of slices of bread during your meal. Ladies if you make that sandwich open faced with just 1 slice of bread that will make a HUGE difference. Comprendo? Guys that eat 2 sandwiches at a pop. Make one triple decker sandwich only using 3 slices of bread and you cut 1 carb, better yet drop down to just 1 sandwich and you cut 2 whopping carbs of your meal. Now this is the insider information that I'm talkin about dude.
If You can cut 1-2 carbs in one my friend are gettin jiggy with it!!!!
Gotta run the debate is calling
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me

- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
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