OK now that I'm an established web blog publisher, I have been admonished to clean up my grammar and get my act a little bit better together. For some time I have been writing the word loose when I mean lose. I am taking this all in stride and will make every every effort to get my loss...lose... and looses right. d:^)
For some reason the word lose just doesn't look right in context to me... it sounds more like an l and single o, like in Lois or Lowes... But my mind is right, so from now on we are:
1. Into weight loss.
2. We will lose weight by following the weekly assignments in the blog.
3. We want God to loose the chains that bind those that don't know Jesus as their saviour and lord.
I'm on duty at the fire station again so I will be relatively brief with the post.
What I would like to do tonite is to open up the blog to any questions that any of you folks out there may have.... I know we have covered a lot of information and I feel a little bit like I'm working in a vacuum. I don't even know if I have lost some people after some of my prior posts. So could everybody just hit the comment button and let me know you are still in here, and also try to think of a question or 2 to ask me about.
I also feel like I need to bring at least 1 tidbit of info, so I will talk about pizza.
So how does a St patty's green freak like yourself handle the trip to the pizza parlor? Well, we really want to stay on our carb reduced journey so here is the best answer. 1st of all most all pizza joints have a salad bar, so don't skip that part, you can also enjoy the pizza part by eating it with a fork. Scrape the topping off of the crust and just eat that. Actually the toppings for most pizza's are not too bad for you. You may take a ribbing from your friends for leaving the crust behind but tis worth every bit of it my friend. Please also plan on forgoing the 44 oz. pop to wash that pizza down with. Again H2o will help bring you to the promise land.
Please hit that comment button to let me know you have a pulse.
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me

- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
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