Ok so I weaned off the caffeine, sugar and meat. You really don't need those things as there are so many other good for you foods. I haven't been hungry either. Feeling all right! and like Jesus is really helping me through it this time.My husband and I walk almost every day, getting in more hills; that is the cruncher but really good for us. And Corvallis has lots of hills. Thanks Bob for the encouragement!
Thanks and qudo's back to you Wanda. Please make sure you are getting plenty of protein as this is pretty important over the next 3 weeks.
I am a little bit puzzled as to why no one else besides Wanda is participating at this point. Actually we are at a place where things are really going to get exciting as we go forward from here.
I am feeling like people are bailing out and the worst possible time. Like Yoda said to Luke as he went to meet Darth Vader. "Incomplete is your training padiwan."

Is it you or is it me? Am I paranoid or are you really not even reading anymore? Do I continue? Please respond, send me an email. bdiddy2330@yahoo.com
Hey... well if Wannie can do it, I can do it! I think... what about my one cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning? Thats my problem. I have already been cutting the sugar so no problem there and the meat I can do.. What about my one cup of coffee? I think I can do it...
ReplyDeleteI really wanted coffee today, too, but I had green tea instead. Not the same, little sister, but I keep telling myself that it is only for a little while. Hey I lost 7 pounds so far!!!