Friday, May 22, 2009

H2O continued

So I called my Dr. office and talked to a lab technician about getting tested for possible proteinuria. His reply was that he seriously doubted that I have any trouble in this area. He said that there is very little evidence of potential kidney damage from my current level of hydration. 19 out of 20 doctors would not be the least bit concerned. His assessment of the risk involved is extremely low, and the benefits of 9-12 large glasses a day is very good. So I will stay on track with the hydration thing without urine testing at this point. I will talk with my Doctor further about this during my next scheduled wellness checkup.


Now back to my post the other day about those of you just reading and watching but not participating. I asked what I could possibly do on my end to get you motivated to start. So here is my best possible advice to you. Go back and scroll down to the bottom of the blog, and start with the week one assignments and get yourself started participating in the program. This may very well be one of the best decisions you will make in your entire life!!!!


Concerning our long term plan for exercising, I would like you to start to consider making jogging a major part of your cardiovascular workouts. I would like to recommend that you start out slowly and work your way up to running a 10K or even becoming a marathon runner. That may sound way out there right now, but once you get started and set your mind to it you can and should do it. I have a good friend in church who is about 50 years old and a mother of 6 children, she is training to run a marathon race next month in Newport. She is a woman of vision and vision has helped her become extremely well fit. You can do it too!!!

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