Greetings fellow bloggers.
I am officially back from vacation.
We had a great time on Oahu, I think I could get used to the place!
Nutrition was pretty tricky though as we ended up eating out a lot and I lost my green edge during that time. But that is perfectly OK with no guilt and now I am back home and resuming my regimen.
I gained about 3 pounds and found out that I just love chocolate covered macadamia nuts and Bailey's Irish Cream milk shakes from Haagen Daz. Throw in a few Pina Colada's and my carb count was pretty ballistic.
But I did work out every day, I ran in the early morning, then went swimming and worked out my core, I also hiked Diamond Head crater with my daughter G
ina.The view from there was incredible. We also did a lot of beach stuff, and we snorkeled with the big sea turtles which was really cool.

We also did eat at home some as our condo had a kitchenette so I did some experimentin
g with yogurt. I still like to do the Nancy's plain yogurt with no sugar and I didn't have any applesauce to add to it so I added some coconut syrup and strawberry jam which were both very good. I also just added a little splenda to it on one day and found the taste very acceptable.

If you are keeping up on the plan and want a one more little trick to help you lose those extra stubborn pounds I would highly recommend eating plain yogurt with splenda added for both of your A.M. and P.M. snacks this week. That will shave 1 carb off and will still be very filling and satisfying.

congrats on 25 years!