If you are new to the Blog please read the following:
This post is to let people know that the content of this blog is finished. If you are new here, you need to scroll down to the very bottom, then click on the older posts tab (you have to do this twice to get to the true start of the blog) and go to the bottom of that page to start and work your way up from there.
This blog was built chronologically so if you start here at the top you will be going backwards :(
One final piece of review information is a follows:
15 grams of carbohydrates = 1 carb
Men are allowed 5 carbs per meal and 1-2 carbs for morning and afternoon snack
Women are allowed 4 carbs per meal and 1-2 carbs for morning and afternoon snack
Salads are considered free! No carbs and the more of them you eat, the skinnier you will be.
H20 is also your best friend... when in doubt drinks some more water. Pop is a killer.