Welcome back, if this is the 1st time coming into the blog today, you need to scroll down and read the Flight 77 post first, then come back in here. As a matter of fact after talking personally with some of you I am beginning to realize that many are not familiar with the fact that blogs start at the bottom chronologically and work their way up. Folks have been asking me questions about things that I have already covered. So every time you come in here I would encourage you to scroll down to see if you have missed anything. I don't want some important info to slip through your hands.
So welcome aboard Jeremy. I am quite pleased to have reached my goal of having 10 peeps to hang out with me here d:^}
OK now about the foods that don't have any labels on them. This really is my very favorite part. All green vegetables count as ZERO CARBS Wait a minute here, doesn't lettuce and celery and spinach and broccoli have carbohydrates in them? The answer is yes absolutely. However these types of foods have such low caloric density that they are truly the very best of foods that God has to offer us.
In the beginning its interesting to note that it was the GARDEN of Eden. I believe its safe to say that before the fall of Adam & Eve they did not eat meat. Its also safe to say that they didn't eat Pringles or Doritos either :)... So do I want you to become a vegetarian? Not particularly. Do I want you to eat more green vegetables and not have them just sit in the fridge and get wilty and moldy? 10-4 GOOD BUDDY!!! So on your next trip to the store I want you make a hard right turn at the door and run dont walk to the produce aisle. I want you to hang out there for a while and look over all the different veggies that you could combine to make a salad with a wide and interesting variety. Also look for any obese people in this section. Where is Waldo?
When we read about the garden of Eden in the book of Genesis the focus seems to always be about Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit thus causing the fall of man. We don't often think about all the other wonderful plants and fruits that God made available to sustain mankind. So I have found a bit of spiritual connection in going green. Not the reducing greenhouse gases type of green but consuming the nutritious vegetables green. We will be talking alot about salads in the near future.
Now on to Fruits. Fruits constitute the 2nd best category of foods for us to consume. A "normal " serving of fruit counts as 1 CARB. Many experts would quickly argue with me that some fruits are higher than 1 carb and you know what, they would be right. But I have a very good reason for counting them as just 1. First it makes counting much easier throughout the day. Second I cheated on your carb budget in the snack part. You could really have up to 2 carbs on your snack. But I want you to be eating fruits on your snacks and not brownies or cookies or donuts. So if I label fruits as 1 and your snack is 1 we are in harmony. Also its OK to have a cookie or brownie every 3rd Friday or so. That might sound militant but that's OK because we are in a war with Iraq and Afghanistan and your waist line.
There are a few exceptions to the fruit being 1 carb, the first is Mango's - You know the dried ones that you get at Costco. The glycemic index on these is extremely high so I would like you to avoid them. But if you must have em, be sure to look at the portion size carefully on the label and moderation must prevail. The other is melons. They also have a fairly high glycemic index. They are still good for you, just make sure you keep your portions reasonably small when you eat them.
So now here we go we are gathering speed, the wheels are leaving the runway and we are airborn. For some of you this week will only see very minor changes for others this is going to be an adventure. I am here to help walk you thru every step of the way.
ITEM 1: I want you to have eggs for breakfast every other day this week. Ladies get 2 but remove one of the yolks. Men get 3 eggs but remove 2 of the yolks. I also want you to not fry them. You can either poach them or boil for 3 min if you like soft yolks, 5 min for hard. The reason for this is that I want to start to ween you off of fried foods. As Hans and Frans -(Arnold Schwartenager) would say listen to me now and believe me later. You will thank me for doing this to you. You should also have some fruit of your choice and at least 1 large glass of water for breakfast.
ITEM 2: I want you to commit to eating at least one garden salad every day this week. I would prefer you to do it at lunch but if your schedule wont allow it, have it at dinner. Dress them up with sunflower seeds or blue cheese crumbles to enhance flavor. I also want you to use fat free dressing, and please say no to croutons. Also you need to drink 3 large glasses of high quality h20 Bobby Buchier with your salad. Do the salad and the water 1st, then you can finish your meal with absolutely anything your little heart desires. If you are on the road and have to do the fast food mickey dee thing order the salad and water 1st eat that then go back to the counter and get whatever you want. I bet by the end of the week you will start to feel full and will not want very much else off their menu.
ITEM 3: I want you to go to church this week. I know for many of you this is a no=brainer that you all ready do. For others I would be amiss if i just teach you about physical food and skip the soul food. Some of you may be skeptical but how can you know about something until you check it out? How can you taste and see that the Lord is good if you don't taste? The bible says that God wants us to have prosperity in all things, to be in good health, even as your soul prospers. Your soul will prosper when you seek out the things of God.
Thats it for this post... Next I will talk about what the old Bob had to eat...
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me

- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
What does yogurt count as and are you giving us a list of carbs to eat.