So I had every intention to blog last night but someone triple-dog-dared me to stick my tongue against a frozen flagpole. I did and then bellowed out stuck...stuck...stuck... I cried out for Ralphie and Flick to help me. But they just said that the bell rang and they headed to classroom with out me!!! (That was at least somewhat amusing or it was meaningless. If you have watched the Christmas Story movie.... ju got it dude.) So what really happened was that I was on duty and was totally busy during blog prime time. 4 trips to Corvallis, 1 to Albany and a 1st alarm fire call. I left the station @2:00 PM and didn't return until shortly after 1:00 AM.
So how many of you would be willing to admit that you came here to the blog more than once last night, hoping I would post something? Do I hear 2? Do I hear 5? Do I hear 10? Just kidding, but I am very honored to have more and more people interested in viewing the content here. I have the pleasure of bringing my Fire Dept Buddies and my Church Peeps and my Racquetball Cronies and my Facebook Mcbookerson's all together for a party every night. I hope that you are all starting to feel empowered to be equipped to conquer the beast. That is wonderful but I have a lot more that I need to teach you.
It's also been great to chat with some of you IRL, (IRL means both "in real life" and "I'll retire later.")(April, Stacey, Ken, Jason and Annette) it helps me to get a pulse beat of where you are at and what kind of content I should bring in here... Jeremy soon and very soon you are going to be a... lean mean fightin machine!!
OK on to the business at hand. I want to talk about what I used to eat on a regular basis. I hope to impress upon you how carbocentric the normal American diet is. I also want you to start to see the errors of my ways when I was in that lifestyle. I don't know what most of you eat regularly so I will use myself as the example.
But 1st I forgot to talk to you the other night about POTATO'S- We all love em, we eat em for breakfast,we eat em at lunch and we eat em twice for dinner via 2nds. Hashbrowns, potato salad, potato chips, mashed, escalloped baked and double baked, fries, tots, shoe string, wedges. They don't have a food label on them so what kind of carb value do we place on them? Well my friends the results are in and they are not pretty, any way you fix em. For example baked potato's (they are better than fries right? part of a healthy diet right?) small=2, medium=3 large=4 HOLY POTATO(E) SNIIKEYS Dan Quale. A woman could spend her whole dinner budget on a tater, and that's with it plain, never mind the butter, sour cream, chives, cheese, bacon bits, and chili and onions. So I have a long term goal in working on reducing how much and how often you have them. Just say no to supersize. I understand that this is not good news for some but don't give up. If you place your trust in me, I will see you through the valley of tater withdrawal.
Now a typical day for "pudgy" Bob.
Breakfast- A large bowl of frosted shredded wheat with skim milk to the top = 5 carbs
A piece of fruit =1 carb. 3 cups of coffee with cream and a glug glug glug glug of torani almond syrup (4 glugs= 1 carb) So 1carb per cup makes total of 3. So my breakfast total is 9.
AM Snack- I'm at the fire station and somebody brought donuts... allright, my little sugar beacon is honing in on the score. Oh yeah there are some Apple Fritters in there (and I just love Apple Fritters, just like the Irish love their mothers.) Well I should only have 1 I say to myself, but when the carnage is done. 3 of the bad boys jumped into my stomach against my will. Stack up 4 carbs per. so a nice tiny little total of 12 on that foray.
Lunch: 2 sandwiches. with bologna cheese and mayo= 5 carbs
Fruit = 1 carb, yogurt (the really sweet kind) 3 carbs. Glass of milk 1 carb Brownie 3 carbs. Total for lunch is 13.
Afternoon Snack... hey I am a man of principle so I don't have an afternoon snack.
Dinner: Wow I am really hungry now and the shift is having spaghetti and garlic bread. So I load up a big plate of noodles probably about 4 carbs worth and I start with 3 pieces of bread so that's 3 carbs. Oh yes there is also salad in a bag there but I didn't realize it was there until I all ready had the spaghetti on my plate so I will just skip the green and not have any of that... its pretty boring food anyways. Now I have finished my plate and boy that sure was good, in fact it was so good that I'm going to repeat the whole thing one more time with 2nds, so add another 7. That makes dinner 14 total. Oh i forgot to mention 2 glasses of milk to wash it all down so 2 more carbs for 16 total.
Evening Snack: Well there is pie and ice cream for desert. I was sooo full from dinner that I had this at about 9:00 pm. pie is 3 carbs, ice cream is 1 carb Total 4 carbs.
So at the end of the day I would say that with 44 carbs I was a little over on my budget... yeah right the truth was that I was waaaaayyyy over budget . But with all of that Bob was just pudgy, not really obese. Your body can really take a lot of damage even accumulating day after day after day. The good news is that when you get your green nutrition in you and can get into a proper carb zone 2 things happen. 1.You don't feel hungry being within budget and 2. If you are overweight you will shed pounds like there is no tomorrow!
Tomorrow lets talk about Yogurt. Life is a puzzle, but you can figure it out.
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me

- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
So I just have to tell you that Jeremy and I went to the store to buy salad fixings and we had to laugh when we looked around and realized we were the biggest ones in the produce section!:)
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious Stacey. Yea I usually see 2 or 3 granola type ladies with a body fat of about -3% d;^p,