Today's post is going to be a very important one from a philosophical point of view. If I can adequately explain this, I believe you will be set up to be thin and trim for the rest of your life.
We have spent the last 5 weeks with a lot of "how to" type of information. Do this, don't do that kind of stuff. Today I'm going to explain to you the "why" behind the "how to."
So why have I encouraged you to try a whole bunch of different types of vegetables in your salads? Why have a I been a stickler about drinking herbal teas during our Daniel fast time, instead of just saying go ahead and drink decaf coffee? Why are we temporarily doing away with all sweets instead of me just saying go ahead and use a bunch of splenda?
The answer is that I am purposely trying to force your palate to experience change.
The P90X exercise program has coined the phrase "muscle confusion." They use the concept that by doing different things every time you work out you are breaking down multiple areas of your body. You don't do the same exercises over and over and get a "comfortable" muscle challenge. Likewise I am coining the phrase "palate confusion." We are challenging your palates prior notion of only eating what it perceives as tasting good.
Remember back earlier in the blog, we were talking about having thousands of food choices at the supermarket. Researchers have indicated that with all of these choices, a large percentage of people stick to only a few core foods... That is one of the reasons that people won't stay on a diet for very long. They end up going back to the prior stuff...
By forcing your palate to experience change, we are combating the notion that you are going to end up trapped by going back to your old malnourishing core foods. If you will stick w

Your new palate will very willingly reject foods that may taste good to you now but will not taste good later. For example I do not like apple fritter pastries anymore when before I could eat 3 of them at one setting. Now they just taste greasy and heavy to me.
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