"For I know the plans that I have for you" says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you. To give you hope and a future."
As we are doing this 3 week Daniel Fast. I have been talking a lot about how much physical good it is doing for your bod. Now let's talk about the spiritual aspects of this process.
I believe that God will honor this time of sacrifice on your part to reveal Himself to you in ways that you never knew before. The reason that Daniel refused the King's delicacies was so that God would reveal the secrets to him about how to interpret Nebuchadnezzer's dream.
Like wise when you do this fast, you would do well to pray to God that He reveal secrets about His character to you. That He shows you things that will help you to prosper and help you to love other people with God's love in a greater dimension. If Daniel had not got the wisdom and understanding from God, he would have been killed, so I think that he was highly motivated.
During my first Daniel Fasting time God revealed things to me about the tremendous power of His grace to mankind. I have been a Christian for over 30 years and I thought that I had the grace thing pretty well pat. But I now realize that there is so much to His grace that I did not know about or understand.
We all understand that grace means God's unmerited favor. It's basically the fact that we get what we really don't deserve. We don't deserve eternity in heaven because all have sinned and we just can't make it to heaven by trying to be a good person. Grace comes by accepting the free gift of Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross. This good news is available to everyone!! Not just a few "religious type people." The fields really are ripe unto harvest, even in our so called post Christian society.
Another little known aspect of God's grace is that He gives you the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life to equip you to overcome temptation and sin. I found that His grace compels me to say no to fleshly things as my desire is to be pleasing to Him. I find this also true in the arena of food choices. So even the dieting thing carries a deeper spiritual dimension to it.
I lost 50 lbs by just learning how to eat right and excercising. Im 54 years old and in about the best shape of my life. I'm a Paramedic Firefighter by trade, but I would like to use this blog to "life coach" others to conquer the battle of the bulge.
About Me
- Bob Elliott
- I've tried other diets and only had temporary results... Yes I tried the low fat one and "the zone" but now I have just stepped out on my own independent quest. This coupled with the fact that my doctor said I was borderline diabetic and needed to start taking Metformin has motivated me to take better care of myself for life. My peak weight was 209 and my current weight is 158. I would like to share with you how I did it and how you can do it too!!!
Hello Bob, Just finished reading your blog and was curious why you stopped. I was looking forward to seeing how everyone is doing with the program and just began it myself.